Privacy Policy

JASON Learning recognizes the importance of maintaining the privacy of users of its Web sites. This Privacy Policy sets forth the privacy practices of JASON Learning Web sites, including the Site, our gated Web site for project participants. Below we describe why we gather personally identifiable information, when we collect it, how we use it, with whom we disclose it, and how we protect it.

Why do we gather personally identifiable information?

We may collect information that identifies you (“personally identifiable information”), such as name, postal address, e-mail address and phone number, to allow us to process your product orders, inform you of JASON updates and special offers, and provide you with information about our other educational offerings.

When do we gather personally identifiable information?

There are three main areas where we collect personally identifiable information. We collect personally identifiable information at JASON Learning Online Store in order to fulfill your order, at the registration site for the Site, and on JASON Learning surveys. We may also collect personally identifiable information in connection with your submissions for JASON live Webcasts and JASON contests.

JASON Learning Online Store

JASON Learning Online Store provides forms for ordering JASON Learning educational products, services and other merchandise. These forms require users to provide us with contact information (including name, address, phone number and e-mail address). We also ask for billing information, such as credit card number and expiration date.

Site Registration and Accounts

The Site is a “gated” Web site maintained by JASON Learning. It provides access to a dynamic online community of school administrators, teachers, students and their parents who collaborate with one another using tools and resources such as message boards and chat rooms that are built into the system.

Teachers, parents and school administrators may create individual Site accounts for themselves. In addition, they may create individual Site accounts for their students, enabling students to access the Site from school or at home. Students may also create their own accounts to access material that relates to subjects learned in the classroom.

All participants in JASON Learning – school administrators, teachers, parents and students – must register online to obtain a username and password that enables access to the site. As part of this registration process, we may collect first and last name, e-mail and postal address, school name, and phone number, if you choose to provide it. If you are a teacher, we also may ask for information about your area of expertise and role at the school. Please note that, as a teacher, you may be subject to policies in your school or district regarding student access to and use of the Internet. Please consult your school or district policies and make sure you have the appropriate parental permission before creating Site accounts for your students.

What other information do we gather?

Cookies: A “cookie” is a small file stored on your computer by a Web site that stores certain information about your activity on the site. We use cookies to let us know that you are a prior visitor to our Web site and to provide certain features to you, for example to store information on your product selections as you shop at JASON Learning Online Store. We do not store any personally identifiable information or financial information in cookies. We use session cookies to “remember” you from request to request on our site to provide you with a personalized site experience. These cookies are deleted from your computer when you leave the Site.

Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but most allow you to instruct your browser to prevent the use of cookies. However, if you disable this function, certain features of the Site, such as the shopping basket and access to the Site, may not function properly.

Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses: When you visit our Web site, we automatically collect and analyze certain information about your computer. This information includes the IP address used to connect your computer to the Internet. We use this IP address to gather broad demographic information, help diagnose problems with our servers, and administer our Web site(s). We do not retain information related to IP addresses and periodically delete usage logs. However, we do assess the number of unique visitors based on the number of unique IP addresses accessing our site(s).

Information about your Web Browser: When you use our Web site, we have access to information about the type and version of browser you are using and your computer’s operating system. We use this information to determine whether your computer can view certain functions of our Web sites (e.g., Java-scripted activities). This browser information is also captured on comment or help forms submitted to assist us in providing technical support.

How do we use the personally identifiable information we collect from you?

JASON Learning uses personally identifiable information to process your orders; deliver the products and services you request; help us administer and evaluate JASON Learning educational program; communicate with you about events and online features that we hope you find of interest; notify you about offers and discounts from JASON Learning Online Store; and as otherwise described to you at the time of collection.

With whom do we share your personally identifiable information?

We may share your personally identifiable information with service providers that perform certain functions on our behalf. These functions include processing credit card orders from JASON Learning Online Store, assisting us in maintaining and managing our customer information, providing customer service and marketing assistance, performing business and sales analysis, and supporting features offered through our Web sites. We do not authorize any of these third parties to make any other use of your information.

We also may share your personally identifiable information with our parent or managing organizations and their affiliates and JASON partners whose products and services we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we may share your personally identifiable information:

…In response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, a court order, or a request for cooperation from a law enforcement or other government agency; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law.

…When we believe disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud or other wrongdoing. in connection with a substantial corporate transaction, such as the sale of our business, a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale.

We also may share aggregated information we collect with third parties. For example, we may tell our partners the number of visitors to our website and the most popular features or services accessed. This information does not contain any personally identifiable information and may be used to develop website content and services that we hope you will find of interest.

Message Boards and Chat Rooms

The Site may make message boards, and public communities available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personally identifiable information. Your personally identifiable information, such as your school address and personal e-mail address, is not available to other users of the Site unless you choose to share them in public message boards or chat rooms.


We want you to be aware that when you click on links that take you to third-party Web sites, you will be subject to the third parties privacy policies, not ours. We cannot be responsible for the actions of third parties. We encourage you to read the posted privacy statement and user terms and conditions whenever interacting with, and prior to providing any personally identifiable information to, any other Web site or online service.

Your Security

We take steps to protect the personally identifiable information you provide us. For example, only authorized employees are permitted to access personally identifiable information and they may do so only for permitted business functions. In addition, we encrypt your credit card number or checking account information prior to transmitting it over the Internet using secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology.

We want you to feel confident using our Web site. However, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Although we make reasonable efforts to safeguard your personally identifiable information once we receive it, we cannot warrant the security of information you transmit to us.

Your Consent and Changes to this Policy

By using our Web site, you consent and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time and we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we may disclose it. We will notify you of material changes by either posting a notice on our Web site or by contacting you by e-mail.

How to Contact Us

Please address inquiries regarding our information-handling practices or this policy to:

Information Desk

JASON Learning

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 1-703-822-7238

This policy was last updated May, 2018.